Steve Van Hoyweghen is a Belgian photographer with a wide range of photographic subject interests.
Conceptual, still-life, travel, urban and architectural themes are currently his favorite topics.
![Steve Van Hoyweghen](./img/other/steve_van_hoyweghen.jpg)
Some traces on the Internet about Steve his photographic work ...
- Snor IT graduation issue 2014
- website: Steve Van Hoyweghen creatieve stillevens (dutch)
- (dutch)
- SHOT! Magazine has published some of my work as well
- A whole load of hot air balloon photography
If you like to contact me, please use the contact form on Steve his Wordpress photoblog.
All these works by Steve Van Hoyweghen are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license are explained under Licensing.
So feel free to share all works provided on this site, as long as you respect the license restrictions. In non-legal language it basicaly means:
- Commercial usage is prohibited unless you get my explicit approval.
- You should always refer explicitly to Steve Van Hoyweghen as the author of the work(s) you are using for non-commercial goals.
- If you are in doubt, have questions, need higher resolution photo material, you like to use my work commercially, or whatever, please contact Steve.
- Finally, this is about decency and respecting other peoples work.
The photo's you find here online are small format files with reduced resolution, optimized for fast downloading and viewing online. These copies are not suited for large prints. However, the original images are in raw format. This is a high-resolution format permiting large and detailed qualitative prints.
You can buy some of Steve his work online at the following web-shops:
- Werk aan de muur (Work on the wall) (Dutch)
- Oh my prints (German)
- Oh my prints (French)
- Fine art America (USA & UK)
If the above sites are not an option for you, or if you like to buy a a work that is not available on one of these sites, please contact Steve.
- Works on this site can be used free of charge for non-commercial use. However an explicit reference to the author Steve Van Hoyweghen or this site is required.
- If you need another file-format, please contact Steve.
- If you like to use one or more of my photographs commercially, please contact Steve to get permission.